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Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Physics​​-utp - SLC Study Abroad

Applied Physics involves the application of Physics principles to the design, construction and operation of various systems and devices. A physicist generally works at any industrial or research establishments such as those dealing with semiconductor devices, solar cells, electronics and product processing. The job involves supervision of equipment operation and maintenance, troubleshooting operational problems related to process, and undertaking modification work for product and safety improvement.


The Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Physics programme stresses the need for a strong foundation in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry, followed by a thorough coverage of basic science courses such as Mechanics, Thermodynamics and Electromagnetics. In the later years of study, students are exposed to Optics, Quantum Mechanics, Semiconductor Devices & Technology, Solid States Physics and Measurement & Instrumentation.


In addition to the above, at the end of their studies a student will have the opportunity to take special topics in one of these selected areas of interest:


  • Oil & Gas Exploration
  • Renewable Energy
  • Nanotechnology
Programme Educational Objectives

To produce scientific workforce in the field of Applied Physics with the potential to become leaders in industries and R&D with emphasis in Oil & Gas, Renewable Energy and Nanotechnology.

Programme Outcomes 
To produce well-rounded graduates with the following outcomes:
  • Apply knowledge of Applied Physics.
  • Plan and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret scientific data.
  • Identify and solve applied physics problems and challenges in industries.
  • Use the techniques, skills and latest scientific and technical tools necessary for innovative, creative and professional practice.
  • Conduct applied physics research project effectively both independently or in teams in a professional and ethical manner.
  • Communicate effectively with community at large.
  • Demonstrate business acumen and entrepreneurship skills.
  • Recognize the importance to undertake life-long learning.


Graduation Requirements
In order to graduate with the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Physics degree, students are required to obtain a minimum of 128 credit hours and a minimum CGPA of 2.00.
Summary of Courses Required for Graduation
Course Group (G) Number of Credit Hours
NR – National Requirement 14
U – University Requirement 9
CS – Common Science 18
CD – Core Disciplines 61
CI – Core Industrial Internship 14
CSp – Core Specialisation 12

Programme Curriculum Structure: Bachelor of Science (Honours) Applied Physics


SEMESTER 1 ​ ​ ​ ​ SEMESTER 2 ​ ​ ​ SEMESTER 3 ​ ​ ​
Code Courses Cr G Code Courses Cr G Code Courses Cr G


TITAS (Local)

BM Komunikasi 2 (International)

3 NR CDB1012 Health, Safety & Environment 2 CS MPU 2 One (1) U2 Course 3 NR


Ethnic Relationship (Local)

Malaysian Studies 3 (International)

3 NR ZAB1043 Mathematical Methods for Physics 3 CD LDB1042 Academic Writing 2 UR
PDB1012 Introduction to Oil and Gas 2 UR ZAB1013 Mechanics 3 CD PDB1023 Introduction to Petroleum Geoscience 3 UR
FDM1023 Ordinary Differential


3 CS ZAB1032 Physics Practical I 2 CD ZAB1063 Electromagnetics I 3 CD
KXXxxx1 Co Curriculum I 1 UR ZAB1053 Modern Physics 3 CD ZAB1072 Physics Practical II 2 CD
KXXxxx1 Co Curriculum II 1 UR
Credit Hours ​ 12   Credit Hours ​ 13   Credit Hours ​ 14  
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
SEMESTER 4 ​ ​ ​ SEMESTER 5 ​ ​ ​ SEMESTER 6 ​ ​ ​
Code ​Courses Cr G Code Courses Cr G Code Courses Cr G
MPU 3 ​One (1) U3 course 3 NR HDB2033 Professional Communication Skills 3 UR GDB1033 Management and Organisational Behaviour 3 CS
ZAB2072 ​Philosophy of Science and Technology 2 CS ZAB2033 Optics 3 CD YAB2042 Science Team Project 2 CD
EDB1023 ​Structured Programming &     Interfacing 3 CD ZAB2012 Physics Practical III 2 CD FDM2043 Computational Methods 3 CS
ZAB1023 ​Thermodynamics 3 CD ZAB2024 Quantum Mechanics 4 CD ZAB2053 Electromagnetics II 3 CD
ZAB2043 ​Vibrations & Waves 3 CD  ZAB2063 Atomic Physics 3 CD
Credit Hours ​ 14   Credit Hours ​ 12   Credit Hours ​ 14  


Code Courses Cr G Code Courses Cr G Code Courses Cr G
MPU 4/ HDB1012 Community Engagement Project 2 NR IDB3037 Student Industrial Training (SIT) 7 CI IDB3047 Student Industrial Project (SIP) 7 CI
ZAB4024 Semiconductor & Devices Technology 4 CD
ZAB3014 Solid States Physics 4 CD
ZAB3034 Measurement & Instrumentation 4 CD
Credit Hours ​ 14   Credit Hours ​ 7   Credit Hours ​ 7  
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
SEMESTER 8 ​ ​ ​ SEMESTER 9 ​ ​ ​   ​ ​ ​
Code Courses Cr G Code Courses Cr G
GDB3013 Small Business & Entrepreneurship 3 CS ZAB4044 Final Year Project II 4 CD
 ZAB4012 Final Year Project I 2 CD ZABxxx3 Core Specialization III 3 Csp
 ZABxxx3 Core Specialization I 3 Csp ZABxxx3 Core Specialization IV 3 Csp
ZABxxx3 Core Specialization II 3 Csp
Credit Hours ​ 11   Credit Hours ​ 10     ​  
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Total Credit Hours : 128 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Core Specialisation (CSp) Courses

Choose any of the following sets of Core Specialisation areas (set A, B, or C) for Core Specialisation I, II, III and IV.


A.  Nanotechnology ​ ​ ​ ​
No Code Course Name Cr G
1 ZAB4113 Nanoscience 3 CSp
2 ZAB4123 Fundamentals of  Nanotechnology 3 CSp
3 ZAB4133 Simulation and Design of Nanostructures 3 CSp
4 ZAB4143 Nanoelectronics 3 CSp
​ ​ ​ ​ ​
B.  Renewable Energy ​ ​ ​ ​
No Code Courses Cr G
1 ZAB4213 Renewable Energy 3 CSp
2 ZAB4223 Renewable Energy Conversions 3 CSp
3 ZAB4233 Renewable Energy Informatics 3 CSp
4 ZAB4243 Green Electricity Generation 3 CSp
​ ​ ​ ​ ​
C.  Oil and Gas Exploration ​ ​ ​ ​
No Code Courses Cr G
1 ZAB4313 Seismic Theory & Practices 3 CSp
2 ZAB4323 Electromagnetics: Theory and Practices 3 CSp
3 ZAB4333 Physical & Structural Geology 3 CSp
4 ZAB4343 Petro Physics & Well-logging 3 CSp
Minor (EM) CoursesMinor in Management is made available to all students who are interested to enhance their knowledge in management and business.  However, the option to do the Minor in Management is at the students’ discretion and is not compulsory. The total credit hours accumulated under Minor courses will be over and above the graduation requirements of 128 credit hours.


Minor in Management ​ ​ ​ ​ 
No Code Courses Cr G Semester
1 GDB2013 Business Accounting 3 EM Students can take these courses in any semester ​ ​ ​ ​
2 GDB1033 Management and Organizational Behaviour 3 EM
3 GDB2053 Principles of Finance 3 EM
4 GDB2043 Principles of Marketing 3 EM
5 GDB3013 Small Business and Entrepreneurship 3 EM
Total Credit Hours ​ ​ 15   


Students have to complete and pass all of listed courses to get Minor in Management. All results will be counted in the GPA/CGPA calculation.​​