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Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Chemistry​​-utp - SLC Study Abroad


The Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Chemistry Programme is aligned with UTP’s Mission Statements to produce skilled knowledge workers, addressing the nation’s call for more scientists and technologists especially in the areas of Petrochemistry, Sustainable Chemistry and Nanotechnology. This programme is developed to nurture students into competent graduates with the knowledge, understanding, skills and values required in our move towards a high income society.


This exclusive programme adopts the multi-mode educational delivery system which emphasises on student-centred learning, practical-based approach and experiential learning, as individuals or in teams, intended to realise UTP’s seven (7) attributes for a well-rounded graduate model. The programme stresses the need for firm foundation in Fundamental Chemistry, followed by advanced courses such as Separation Process, Petrochemical Processes, Hydrocarbon Chemistry, Computational Chemistry, Analytical Instrumentation, Quantum Chemistry and Molecular Spectroscopy. Students learning experience is also enhanced with the incorporation of the multidisciplinary Science Team Project and also the compulsory 7-month structured Student Industrial Internship Programme.


In addition to the above, students are given the opportunity to choose their specialisation in any of the following areas:

  • Petrochemistry
  • Sustainable chemistry
  • Nanotechnology

Career opportunities for the graduates from the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Chemistry programme are enormous.  They will be able to enter into the scientific workforce in various industries such as oil and gas, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, food and cosmetics; as well as in other sectors such as Government, Academia and Research and Development sectors. These include but not confined to exciting roles such as Analytical Chemists, Computational Chemists, Quality Control Chemists, Researchers, Entrepreneurs and Academics.


Foreword by Chemistry Cluster Leader


Since its establishment in 2009, the Chemistry Cluster in Fundamental and Applied Sciences Department consists of academic staff who are involved in teaching, supervision and research.  They are equipped with a wide spectrum of expertise covering areas in Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Computational Chemistry, Environmental Science and Technology, Gas and Petrochemistry and Sustainable Energy. Their diversified research interests are channeled into conducting impactful research in fundamental and applied chemistry and also in securing research funding.


In addition to offering the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Chemistry undergraduate programme, the Chemistry Cluster also offers postgraduate degree levels by research in:


Mission and Aims of Chemistry Cluster

    • Our mission is to provide opportunities for the pursuit of knowledge, skills and expertise for the advancement of chemistry to enhance the nation’s aspiration in science.


    • Our objective is to produce dynamic and skilled workforce in chemistry with the potential to become leaders in industry and the nation.


    • Our aim is to nurture creativity and innovativeness and expand the knowledge of chemistry for the betterment of society.


​Programme Educational Objectives

To produce science workforce in the field of Applied Chemistry with business acumen and the potential to become leaders in industries and R&D with emphasis in Petrochemistry, Sustainable Chemistry and Nanotechnology.

Programme Outcomes 
To produce well-rounded graduates with the following outcomes:
  • Acquire fundamental and basic knowledge of Chemistry.
  • Apply knowledge of Chemistry and Mathematics Design to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
  • Identify and solve applied science problems and challenges in industries.
  • Use the techniques, skills and modern scientific and technical tools necessary for professional practice.
  • Conduct applied chemistry research project in a professional and ethical manner.
  • Communicate effectively not only with other science graduates, but also with community at large.
  • Demonstrate business acumen and entrepreneurship skills.
  • Recognise the need to undertake life-long learning.


Graduation Requirements​​
In order to graduate with the Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Applied Chemistry degree, students are required to obtain a minimum of 128 credit hours and a minimum CGPA of 2.00.
Summary of Courses Required for Graduation ​
Course Group (G) Number of Credit Hours
NR – National Requirement 14
UR – University Requirement 9
CS – Common Science 16
CD – Core Discipline 63
CI – Core Industrial Internship 14
CSp – Core Specialisation 12


Programme Curriculum Structure: Bachelor of Science (Honours) Applied Chemistry​

SEMESTER 1 ​ ​ ​ ​ SEMESTER 2 ​ ​ ​ SEMESTER 3 ​ ​ ​
Code Courses Cr G Code Courses Cr G Code Courses Cr G


TITAS (Local)

BM Komunikasi 2 (International)

3 NR CDB1012 Health, Safety & Environment 2 CS MPU 2 One (1) U2 Course 3 NR


Ethnic Relationship (Local)

Malaysian Studies 3 (International)

3 NR FDM2063 Probability and Statistics 3 CS LDB1042 Academic Writing 2 UR
PDB1012 Introduction to Oil and Gas 2 UR YAB1033 Analytical Chemistry 3 CD KXXxxx1 Co Curriculum II 1 UR
FDM1023 Ordinary Differential


3 CS YAB1013 Inorganic Chemistry 3 CD YAB1043 Physical Chemistry I 3 CD
KXXxxx1 Co Curriculum I 1 UR YAB1022 Chemistry Practical I 2 CD YAB1053 Organic Chemistry I 3 CD
YAB1072 Chemistry Practical II 2 CD
Credit Hours ​ 12   Credit Hours ​ 13   Credit Hours ​ 14  
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
SEMESTER 4 ​ ​ ​ SEMESTER 5 ​ ​ ​ SEMESTER 6 ​ ​ ​
Code ​Courses Cr G Code Courses Cr G Code Courses Cr G
MPU 3 ​One (1) U3 course 3 NR HDB2033 Professional Communication Skills 3 UR GDB1033 Management and Organisational Behaviour 3 CS
ZAB2072 ​Philosophy of Science & Technology 2 CS YAB2032 Separation Process 2 CD YAB2042 Science Team Project 2 CD
YAB1063 ​Material and Energy Balance 3 CD YAB2073 Quantum Chemistry 3 CD ZAB1053 Modern Physics 3 CD
YAB2013 ​Organic Chemistry II 3 CD YAB2063 Analytical Instrumentation 3 CD YAB4023 Molecular Spectroscopy 3 CD
YAB2023 ​Physical Chemistry II 3 CD YAB2052 Chemistry Practical III 2 CD YAB4033 Organotransition Metal Chemistry 3 CD
Credit Hours ​ 14   Credit Hours ​ 13   Credit Hours ​ 14  


Code Courses Cr G Code Courses Cr G Code Courses Cr G
MPU 4/ HDB1012 Community Engagement Project 2 NR IDB3037 Student Industrial Training (SIT) 7 CI IDB3047 Student Industrial Project (SIP) 7 CI
YAB3013 Surface Science and Catalysis 3 CD
YAB3023 Petrochemical Processes 3 CD
YAB3033 Hydrocarbon Chemistry 3 CD
YAB3042 Computational Chemistry 2 CD
Credit Hours ​ 13   Credit Hours ​ 7   Credit Hours ​ 7  
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
SEMESTER 8 ​ ​ ​ SEMESTER 9 ​ ​ ​   ​ ​ ​
Code Courses Cr G Code Courses Cr G
GDB3013 Small Business & Entrepreneurship 3 CS YAB4044 Final Year Project II 4 CD
YAB4012 Final Year Project I 2 CD YABxxx3 Core Specialization III 3 CSp
YABxxx3 Core Specialization I 3 CSp YABxxx3 Core Specialization IV 3 CSp
YABxxx3 Core Specialization II 3 CSp
Credit Hours ​ 11   Credit Hours ​ 10     ​  
​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Total Credit Hours : 128 ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
Core Specialisation (CSp) Courses
Choose any of the following sets of Core Specialisation areas (set A, B, or C) for Core Specialisation I, II, III and IV.
A.  Petrochemistry ​ ​ ​ ​
No Code Course Name Cr G
1 YAB4113 Catalysis for Petrochemistry 3 CSp
2 YAB4123 Fundamentals of Reactor System 3 CSp
3 YAB4133 Polymers from Petrochemicals 3 CSp
4 YAB4143 Fine and Speciality Chemical 3 CSp
​ ​ ​ ​ ​
B.  Sustainable Chemistry ​ ​ ​ ​
No Code Courses Cr G
1 YAB4213 Green Chemistry 3 CSp
2 ZAB4213 Renewable Energy 3 CSp
3 YAB4233 Green Processes  and Products 3 CSp
4 YAB4243 Sustainable Water Management 3 CSp
​ ​ ​ ​ ​
C.  Nanotechnology ​ ​ ​ ​
No Code Courses Cr G
1 ZAB4113 Nanoscience 3 CSp
2 ZAB4123 Fundamental of Nanotechnology 3 CSp
3 YAB4313 Nanoscale Materials: Synthesis and Applications 3 CSp
4 YAB4323 Solid State Chemistry 3 CSp

Minor (EM) Courses

Minor in Management is made available to all students who are interested to enhance their knowledge in management and business.  However, the option to do the Minor in Management is at the students’ discretion and is not compulsory. The total credit hours accumulated under Minor courses will be over and above the graduation requirements of 128 credit hours.


Minor in Management ​ ​ ​ ​ 
No Code Courses Cr G Semester
1 GDB2013 Business Accounting 3 EM Students can take these courses in any semester ​ ​ ​ ​
2 GDB1033 Management and Organizational Behaviour 3 EM
3 GDB2053 Principles of Finance 3 EM
4 GDB2043 Principles of Marketing 3 EM
5 GDB3013 Small Business and Entrepreneurship 3 EM
Total Credit Hours ​ ​ 15   


Students have to complete and pass all of listed courses to get Minor in Management. All results will be counted in the GPA/CGPA calculation.​​​​