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​​Bachelor of Computer Engineering with Honours-utp - SLC Study Abroad


Computer Engineering is an engineering discipline that is growing rapidly and in importance in the age of computing platform. Computer platforms are terms used to define the eras of computer and its applications. The computer era started in the 1950’s with mainframe computers which were then replaced with servers in the 1980’s.

The current computing platform that we live in had started in the 2010’s is defined as an interaction between mobile computing, social media, cloud computing, big data analytics and Internet-of-Things. In the current computing era, Computer Engineering contribution is not limited to areas with applications such as computer systems and telecommunication system, but it can also be extended into areas of applications such as in mobile computing, manufacturing, medicine, information technology and many more. Unlike other engineering disciplines, Computer Engineering is very dynamic and becoming more pervasive in the world.


Computer engineers are involved in the design, building, testing and development of high technology devices ranging from the most powerful supercomputers to the smallest, most energy efficient microprocessors and microcontrollers used in systems with applications in areas such as social media search engines, data farms, cloud computing systems, virtual reality systems, massively parallel online systems which are used in gaming systems and large data processing systems. In addition to the previously mentioned application areas, Computer engineers also contribute in the automation for electromechanical systems and electronic control systems applied in process plants, automotive industry, aerospace, and even maintenance through new technologies such as Internet-of-Things and robotics. In other words, Computer engineers are in high demand in various fields in the current and future workplace.


The Bachelor of Computer Engineering with Honours programme at Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS emphasises on a strong foundation in physics, mathematics, and programming skills, followed by a thorough coverage of basic electrical and electronic engineering courses such as electrical technology, analogue electronics, digital electronics, microprocessor, and computer architectures. At higher levels, students are exposed to data and computer networking, operating systems, embedded systems, big data analytics and parallel and distributed computing. In the final year, students have the opportunity to major in one of these selected areas of their interest:

  • Scalable Computing 
  • Wireless Communication


Programme Educational Objectives

  • To produce technically qualified Computer Engineers with potential to become leaders of the Electronics and ICT industries.
  • To produce Computer Engineers who are committed to sustainable development of Electronics and ICT industries for the betterment of society and nation.


Programme Outcomes

To produce graduates with the following outcomes:

  • Apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, engineering fundamentals and engineering specialisation to the solution of complex engineering problems.
  • Identify, formulate, conduct research literature and analyse complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering sciences.
  • Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design systems, components or processes that meet specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
  • Conduct investigation of complex engineering problems using research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.
  • Select and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools, including prediction and modelling, to evaluate complex engineering problems, with an understanding of the limitations.
  • Apply reasoning informed by contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practice and solutions to complex engineering problems.
  • Evaluate sustainability and impact of professional engineering work in the solutions of complex engineering problems in societal and environmental contexts.
  • Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of engineering practice.
  • Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams and in multi-disciplinary settings.
  • Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and society.
  • Apply knowledge of engineering management principles and economic decision making in one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects in multidisciplinary environments.
  • Recognise the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.


Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate with the Bachelor of Computer Engineering with Honours, students are required to obtain a minimum of 145 credit hours and a minimum CGPA of 2.00


Summary of Courses Required for ​Graduation 
Course Group (G) Number of Credit Hours
NR – National Requirement 14
UR – University Requirement 9
CC- Core Common 29
CD – Core Discipline 70
CI – Core Industrial Internship 14
CSp – Core Specialisation 9​


Programme Curriculum Structure: Bachelor of Computer Engineering with Honours


SEMESTER 1​ ​ ​ ​
Code Courses Cr ​G
​TITAS (Local)
BM Komunikasi 2 (International)
​3 ​NR
​Ethnic Relationship
Malaysian Studies 3 (International)
​3 ​NR
​FDM1023 ​Ordinary Differential Equations ​3 ​CC
​PDB1012 ​Introduction to Oil & Gas Industry & Sustainable Development ​2 ​UR
​EDB1603 ​Electrical Technology ​3 ​CD
Credit Hours 14


SEMESTER 2 ​ ​ ​
Code Courses Cr ​G
​CDB2012 ​Health, Safety & Environment ​2 CC​
​KXXxxx1 ​Co Curriculum I ​1 ​UR
​FDM1033 ​Vector Calculus ​3 ​CC
​EDB1034 ​Digital Electronics ​4 ​CD
​EDB1023 ​Structured Programming and Interfacing ​3 ​CD
Credit Hours 13


SEMESTER 3 ​ ​ ​
Code Courses Cr ​G
​LDB1042 ​Academic Writing ​2 UR​
​FDM2043 ​Computational Methods ​3 ​CC
​TDB1013 ​Discrete Mathematics ​3 ​CC
​TDB1023 ​Algorithm and Data Structures ​3 ​CC
​TDM2153 ​Object Oriented Programming ​3 ​CC
Credit Hours 14


SEMESTER 4 ​ ​ ​
Code Courses Cr ​G
​MPU 2 ​One (1) U2 Course ​3 ​NR
​HDB2033 ​Professional Communication Skills ​3 ​UR
​EDB3603 ​Linear Algebra and Matrix Methods ​3 ​CD
​EDB2053 ​Probability and Random Processes ​3 ​CD
​EDB2063 ​Microprocessor ​3 ​CD
Credit Hours 15


Code Courses Cr ​G
​MPU 3 ​One (1) U3 Course ​3 ​NR
​KXXxxx1 ​Co Curriculum II ​1 ​UR
​EDB2701 ​Lab 1:  Large Data Store and Access ​1 ​CD
​EDB2043 ​Communication Systems ​3 ​CD
​EDB2603 ​Digital Signal and System Analysis ​3 ​CD
​EDB1053 ​Microelectronics Devices and Physics ​3 ​CD
Credit Hours 14


Code Courses Cr ​G
​MPU 4/HDB1012 ​Community Engagement Project ​2 ​NR
​MDB3053 ​Engineering Team Project ​3 ​CC
​GDB2033 ​Introduction To Management ​3 ​CC
​EDB3701 ​Lab 2:  Visualization and Analytics of Large Data Sets ​1 ​CD
​TDB2043 ​Operating System ​3 ​CC
​EDB2033 ​Analogue Electronics ​3 CD​
Credit Hours 15


Code Courses Cr ​G
​EDB3711 ​Lab 3:  Measure and Optimize Performance in Large Data Stores ​1
​EDB3613 ​Embedded Systems ​3
​EDB2013 ​Electromagnetics Theory ​3
​TDB2163 ​Software Engineering ​3
​EDB2613 ​Instrumentation and Control ​3
Credit Hours 13


Code Courses Cr ​G
​IDB3037 ​Student Industrial Training (SIT) ​7 CI​
Credit Hours 7


Code Courses Cr ​G
​IDB3047 ​Student Industrial Project (SIP) ​7 ​CI
Credit Hours 7


SEMESTER 8 ​ ​ ​
Code Courses Cr ​G
​EDB3023 ​Data and Computer Network ​3 ​CD
​EDB4033 ​Computer System Architecture ​3 ​CD
​EDB4703 ​System Integration Design Project (SIDP) ​3 ​CD
​EDB4XX3 ​Core Specialisation I ​3 ​CSp
Credit Hours 12


SEMESTER 9 ​ ​ ​
Code Courses Cr ​G
​GDB3023 ​Engineering Economics & Entrepreneurship ​3 CC​
​EDB4012 ​Final Year Project I ​2 ​CD
​EDB4603 ​Distributed and Parallel Computing ​3 ​CD
​EDB4XX3 ​Core Specialisation II ​3 ​CSp
Credit Hours 11


SEMESTER 10 ​ ​ ​
Code Courses Cr ​G
​VDB4053 ​Engineers in Society ​3 CC​
​EDB4044 ​Final Year Project II ​4 ​CD
​EDB4XX3 ​Core Specialisation III ​3 ​CSp
Credit Hours 10


​​​​​​​​​​​Total Credit Hours : 145


Core Specialisation (CSp) Courses

Students are required to choose any of the following sets of Core Specialisation’s areas (set A or B) for Core Specialisation Elective I, II and III.

​​​A.  Scalable Comput​​ing​ ​ ​ ​ ​
No Code Course Name Cr G
1 EDB4613 Scalable Architectures 3 Csp
2 EDB4623 Big Data Analytics 3 Csp
3 EDB4633 Computing security 3 Csp
​​​  ​ ​ ​ ​
​​​B.  Wireless Communications ​ ​ ​ ​
No Code Course Name Cr G
1 EDB4713 Ubiquitous Computing 3 Csp
2 EDB4723 Wireless Sensor Networks 3 Csp
3 EDB4733 Digital Communications 3 Csp


Minor (EM) Courses

Minor in Management is made available to all Engineering students who are interested to enhance their knowledge in management and business. However, the option to do the Minor in Management is at the students’ discretion and is not compulsory. The credit hours will be over and above the graduation requirements of 145 credit hours.


​​​​Minor in Management   ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
No Code Courses Cr G Semester
1 GDB2013 Business Accounting 3 EM ​​​Students can take these courses in any semester ​ ​ ​ ​
2 GDB1033 Management and Organizational Behaviour 3 EM
3 GDB2053 Principles of Finance 3 EM
4 GDB2043 Principles of Marketing 3 EM
5 GDB3013 Small Business and Entrepreneurship 3 EM
​Total Credit Hours ​ ​ 15


Note: Students have to complete and pass all of listed courses to get Minor in Management. All results will be counted in the GPA/CGPA calculation.

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